15 Areas of Digital Transformation Your Digital Agency Should Cover

The 4 main areas of digital transformation/process transformation involve modifying elements of a company's processes to achieve new objectives. Bringing together right team people four areas: technology data processes personnel capacity organizational change may b

15 Areas of Digital Transformation Your Digital Agency Should Cover

The 4 main areas of digital transformation/process transformation involve modifying the elements of a company's processes to achieve new objectives. Bringing together the right team of people in four areas: technology, data, processes, personnel and capacity for organizational change may be the most important step that a company contemplating digital transformation can take. Each of these areas requires a certain skill set. Success requires bringing together and coordinating a much wider range of efforts than most leaders appreciate.

Poor performance in any of the four interrelated domains (technology, data, processes, or capacity for organizational change) can ruin an otherwise well-conceived transformation. What's really important, from creating and communicating a compelling vision to drawing up a plan and adjusting it as you go, to analyzing the details, has to do with people. More than anything else, digital transformation requires talent. In fact, bringing together the right team of technology, data and process personnel who can work together with a strong leader who can bring about change may be the most important step a company contemplating digital transformation can take. Of course, even the best talent doesn't guarantee success.

But its lack almost guarantees failure. From the Internet of Things to blockchain, data lakes and artificial intelligence, the raw potential of emerging technologies is staggering. And while many of them are becoming easier to use, understanding how a particular technology contributes to transformation opportunities, adapting that technology to specific business needs and integrating it with existing systems is extremely complex. To complicate matters, most companies have enormous integrated technical debt, legacy technologies that are difficult to change. You can only solve these problems with people who have technological depth and breadth and the ability to work hand in hand with the company. Challenging as these difficulties may be, an even more critical problem is that many entrepreneurs have lost faith in the ability of their IT department to drive major changes, as many IT functions are primarily focused on “keeping the lights on”.

However, eventually, digital transformation must incorporate institutional IT, so regaining trust is essential. This means that technologists must provide and demonstrate business value with every technological innovation. Therefore, leaders in the field of technology must be great communicators and must have the strategic sense to make technological decisions that balance innovation and technical debt management. Even more important is the ability to convince large numbers of frontline people in organizations to take on new roles as data customers and data creators. This means thinking carefully and communicating the data they need now and what they'll need after the transformation.

It also means helping frontline workers improve their own work processes and tasks so that they can create data correctly. Until now, we have discussed the domains of technology, data, processes and the capacity for organizational change as if they existed in isolation, which, of course, is not the case. Technology is the engine of digital transformation, data is the fuel, the process is the guidance system and the capacity for organizational change is the landing gear. You need them all, and they should work well together. Finally, work on technology, data and processes must continue in an appropriate sequence. It is generally accepted that there is no point in automating a process that does not work, so in many cases, improving or reengineering processes must come first.

On the other hand, some transformations will include large doses of artificial intelligence. Since bad data hinders the development and deployment of good AI models, in these cases, working with data should come first. Start with your final goals, then develop the sequence of steps that best suits achieving them. Digital transformation can and should focus on the problems that the company needs most. Those priorities will also give an idea of the talent needed; if the focus is on transforming customer relationships, for example, the team's data talent may have a particular experience with customer data, process talent in sales and marketing processes, and so on.

However, the most important thing is that talent has the four types of experience we have described and that they have previously succeeded in creating and executing any type of transformation driven by technology. This is the collaboration of your brand's people, processes and applications. In the world of digital transformation it refers to transforming the processes, services and business models used by your company by introducing technology that can take advantage of the skills successes and opportunities of your team. Process transformation gives finite activities such as data and analysis new ways to retrieve and process information. Reviewing a business model involves incorporating technology because it will generate revenue and improve customer experience rather than simply implementing technology for sake of using technology. The transformation of model analyzes infinite possibilities companies think about how Netflix went from being DVD business for mailboxes to becoming streaming service it is today. From data analytics APIs machine learning other technologies corporate environment has largely focused on new ways reinventing business processes reduce costs improve quality reduce cycle times some examples successful process transformation include companies such Domino's Pizza where customers now place orders from any device they have completely reinvented food ordering process this innovation has helped them surpass rival Pizza Hut terms sales other companies have implemented robotic process automation simplify their administrative processes including legal accounting processes examples process transformation create enormous value company. While digital marketing is dynamic topic today if you want take advantage it growth your business your digital agency must cover following 15 areas after understanding your brand surrounding ecosystem agency must develop comprehensive marketing strategy your company provide personalized brand management services work also includes creation corporate kit product kit multimedia.

Paul Delaney
Paul Delaney

"Paul Delaney is Director at Content Ranked, a London-based digital marketing agency. He has been working in Education since the 1990s and has more than 15 years digital marketing experience in the sector.As Director at contentranked.com he focuses on SEO strategy for educational organisations; and Paul's expert team support clients with on-page, off-page and technical SEO. He is also Marketing Director at Seed Educational Consulting Ltd, a study abroad agency that helps African students study at university abroad. He has also held significant positions at multinational education brands, including Business Development Director at TUI Travel PLC, Area Manager at Eurocentres Foundation, and Sales Office Manager at OISE.Paul holds a postgraduate diploma in Digital Marketing from the Digital Marketing Institute, BA in Publishing from Edinburgh Napier University, and a RSA/Cambridge CELTA.Outside of Education Paul is experienced in event promotion, production, and performance in the music industry."

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